When I decided to treat this portion of my blog as a journal I knew in the back of my head that the challenge would be consistency. Writing on a regular basis, especially for the diet aspect and to help those who are trying to follow along, is so important. It is to the success of my project and to the over all goal I have created in being an inspiration to people who would hope to learn a way to keep themselves healthier. I know this, and so this blog entry is to reinforce that idea through what happens when there's a chink in the link, so to speak.
I have been sticking to eating the foods I was allowing myself. No flour, no white sugar and writing down everything I was eating. I was adding a "feelings" section to my handwritten journal every day and I highly recommend this. Looking back through my journal today I find that these little snippets are SO inspiring! They encourage me by showing me a few things. 1. that when I have a bad day or aren't really feeling it I DO get through it and 2. they give me lots of ideas of things to write about. They are also like a kind of road map as to where I've been emotionally and where I want to go. I highly recommend this for anyone considering journaling while losing weight.
So to the disaster part...I was trucking right along, so to speak, when I got a call that there was an emergency at my other home up north and I needed to be there ASAP. I took off after work at 5 P.M. and began the 650 mile drive to get there, planning to be back at work the following Monday. No big deal. Well, right around Mt. Shasta with only two hours to go in a 12 hour drive my car suddenly went nuclear. It was around 3 in the morning so I pulled into a station in Mt. Shatsa City to let my car cool down and call my boyfriend at our place in Happy Camp, California.

After filling the radiator and letting it cool down I decided I didn't trust driving down the river road to the house alone, so he would come out to meet me and drive back with me to be safe. Plus, by this time, around 6 A.M. I was completely exhausted.
He came out with my grandson and I had moved a mile to Mt Shasta City Park so we could go look at the headwaters of the Sacramento River. See, I knew I was going to be there for awhile because it takes two hours to get to Mt. Shasta from Happy Camp, but as tired as I was I did not want to miss an opportunity to share with everyone where the Sacramento river comes from, and to go see it again because I hadn't been there in awhile. There will be an article on the website: https://www.notthatboughie.com
We were going to be leaving in a minute to get back to the house and this is important, ALAN HAD BEEN WORKING ON MY CAR. I went to lock and close my door so we could walk down to the spring, and as I did my mind did like three things at once. I said, "Alan, do you have my ke...?" Just as the door closed and I KNEW he didn't !!! Arrgghh....I looked in through the passenger side window and there were my keys, all snug as a bug in the ignition. DARN IT!
Here's some pictures of the Headwaters for you while I call for a lockout from my insurance. Phew, for good insurance.
So, back in the car...spent the weekend at home. It was nice to be in the woods for a few days. I live in the woods and at the beach on the central coast. Two very beauiful places and one very lucky and happy lady for that.
I say good by to everyone and jump in my car which has had all weekend to relax as well and I'm off up the river road this time
for a 12 hour drive back home to the coast. I have spent the most of my life moving from place to place, never really feeling like I was ever "home" so I am very much enjoying this time in my life where all I do is go from home to home. There's something so satisfying about this to me.
I get to Weed, California and well...a long story shortened here, my car DIED. I spent a week and a half at home in Happy Camp, stranded. It was the head gasket afterall and after all that driving with it like that I killed my car. While I was trying to fix it late that first night in Weed, I dropped my phone and killed it too, AND the week off of work got me FIRED....how's that for disaster?
Well, and as you might imagine my week at home in Happy Camp had some tears in it, some frustration, some pretty panicky, hopeless moments, and as far as dieting was concerned at the time...I actually kept it in mind. (sing song voice), but I definitely did NOT stick to anything concrete. I couldn't. For my sanity's sake I ate some pizza and had a few Pepsis. Hahahaha....*maniacal laugh, but...BUT I promised myself that this was temporary and that I NEED to lose weight for my health's sake so it was just for a minute. And it turned out it really was.
I got to spend some great quality time with my daughter and grandkids in Happy Camp. I got to see Alan and the dogs for a minute, and that was wonderful. I even took the time because it was a hundred and boiling that week there to go out and get some great pictues of the a few of the awesome swimming holes around town. Thinking of this website all of the time and what I can offer.
I got home to the coast and that felt wonderful. I was eager to get right back to this. I'm commited, I'm determined to do this and see this through. I've never owned an Iphone and since my faithful Android broke on me up there, I was gifted an Iphone. I was frustrated over making videos for my website and for my YouTube channel because I found out my Canon only takes 30 second videos and how was I gonna do that? Well, the Iphone solved that problem so I'm both grateful AND excited to get started with the video portion of all of this.
AND....although I am not weighing myself except for every six weeks, my doctor did last week and I found out I've lost 13 POUNDS!
Determination my friends. Don't give up. You know what I'm talking about too. Those times when something goes wromg or someone is horrible, but a blessing comes sliding in the side and only you see it, or maybe everyone sees it. Your phone breaks and you're so mad and frustrated and a few days later someone tells you they've put you on their phone plan and the upgrade came with a free phone, stuff like that.
Just keep plodding along. You got a craving and ate some pie or overate at the inlaws? So what...days happen. Just pick yourself up and refocus and GET BACK ON IT. Hey, if I can do it you can. YOU CAN.
Be expectant of good things. Be proud of your achievments, and be DETERMINED.